10 Steps to get what you need

Ten steps to get exactly what you need from a new play area ...

  1. Define your key objectives for improving your outdoor facilities and desired outcomes.
  2. Decide whether you want brand new facilities or to refurbish existing facilities. What you have in place currently and how you use it will also be of interest.
  3. Confirm when your new facilities will be used (at break times, lesson time, before/after school) and what for (free play, outdoor learning, fitness etc).
  4. Be clear on the age range and number of children using the facilities.
  5. Explain what type of equipment, materials or surfacing you want/don't want.
  6. Agree any specific play values you want to see incorporated in the design e.g. physical play, social and sensory play etc.
  7. Confirm budget, timescales and whether you want all work done at the same time or in staged phases.
  8. Think about any consultation planned e.g. with children, school council or parents.
  9. Choose whether there is a competitive tender process and the number of companies taking part.
  10. Agree the decision-making process, key decision makers and how you would like companies to present their designs/ideas to you.

Contact HAGS to develop your new play area


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